The Friendly Kitchen
The Friendly Kitchen provides meals twice a week at St. Thomas Episcopal Church on Locust Street in Dover on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. This food ministry is coordinated by Dover Cooperative Ministries (DCM). First Parish Church people provide the team that serves this meal on the second Thursday of every month.
The Dover Friendly Kitchen is looking for a few volunteers! A small group from First Parish Church serve our community on the second Thursday of each month by cooking a home cooked meal and serving it to our neighbors that are hungry. Our committed volunteers have worked together for many years, a group that has defined the meaning of serving others.
We have a variety of tasks: set up, prep food, cooks, dishes, servers, table clean up, and sweep. Sitting and talking with other Dover residents is what some enjoy most. Depending on the task, the time commitment can be between 3:30-6:30. Even on the worst storms food is still served and always someone comes in from the storm for a warm place to eat a homemade meal. Please contact Connie at 664-6098 if you are interested in joining the team from First Parish!
The Dover Friendly Kitchen is looking for a few volunteers! A small group from First Parish Church serve our community on the second Thursday of each month by cooking a home cooked meal and serving it to our neighbors that are hungry. Our committed volunteers have worked together for many years, a group that has defined the meaning of serving others.
We have a variety of tasks: set up, prep food, cooks, dishes, servers, table clean up, and sweep. Sitting and talking with other Dover residents is what some enjoy most. Depending on the task, the time commitment can be between 3:30-6:30. Even on the worst storms food is still served and always someone comes in from the storm for a warm place to eat a homemade meal. Please contact Connie at 664-6098 if you are interested in joining the team from First Parish!